2018 was an industrious year in my life. I bought and started an AirBnB business, I started a blog, I wrote a chapter in a book, I started supporting my company’s European initiatives, I started seminary, I joined two boards, I was invited to become an elder at my church…… To say that 2018 and the past few months have been busy, is an understatement.
I also know that many people were thinking that I was saying yes to too many things. [Do you know how many times people asked me, “Have you read The Best Yes? My answer….ummm….yes, I have, thanks”] But really, I was just following through on what I saw God putting in front of me. And doing what I have felt like He’s been telling me to do the past year: study His Word, write, love people and be patient.
God has orchestrated the past year so that all of those things that He’s called me to do overlap. Each one is intertwined with the next. So, studying His Word, writing and loving people?! Easy peasy.
But Y’all, can I just say….that last one?!!! Be patient?? Do you know how hard that is for me? If we’ve met in person, I’m sure you get it. I’m a “let’s get it done, take care of it, address it NOW” kind of person. So, to be called to be patient….well that one has been hard.
I’ve learned over the past year that obedience to God is like training a puppy. [And y’all, I kind of failed miserably at that with Brisket. I had to call in some back up help from a trainer.] What I took away from that season was that I had to have patience with my puppy as I repeated things over and over and over.
God wants me to get this patience thing. It is part of His call on my life. He’s training me, like I did with Brisket. He’s giving me opportunities to learn it…over and over and over. Without patience, I won’t be able to execute on all of the other things He wants me to do, in the way that He wants me to do it.
My desire is to be obedient. To hear His voice and do as He tells me to do. So for now, I’m going to focus on exuding patience. And when I mess up, I will admit it, ask for forgiveness, know He will extend me grace and try again.
What’s He calling you to do? Be obedient. Just get started. And when you mess up or get off track, just start over. He will keep putting His opportunities in front of you.
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